The Arbiter Chronicles

The Arbiter Chronicles is my original science fiction series, a space opera about a team of young midshipmen in the Navy of the Confederated Worlds. It began as a series of audio dramas, and has since spawned novels, novellas and short stories. Along the way, it’s been awarded the Mark Time Silver medal and the Parsec Award for Speculative Fiction Audio (Long Form.) Some of the live performances of episodes have guest-starred some big names from SF movies and television, including George Takei, Robin Curtis, Eric Pierpoint, Gary Graham, Erin Gray, Kathy Garver, Jeffrey Combs, Tony Amendola, Bob Bergan and Felicia Day.

If you want to read or listen to the series in order, here’s the list, with links (forthcoming!) to purchase or listen for free:

Daddy Detests Salmon Mousse” (Short Story – Adult)

Audio Series One:
Mutiny Springs Eternal
A Man Walks into a Bar
Man of Letters
The White Lady
Playing Politics
Best Laid Plans

Taken Liberty: A Tale from the Arbiter Chronicles (Novel)

“Sensitivity” (Short Story)

Audio Series Two:
The Eternal Warrior
First Strike, or The God Child
Foundation and Desire
Praise the Titanic
Adventure 354
Separate Lives
Contents Under Pressure

Unfriendly Persuasion: A Tale from the Arbiter Chronicles (Novel)

An Especially Inconvenient Truth… No, Seriously (Part of The Balticon Podcast’s 100th Episode Special)

Audio Series Three:
Guardian Angel
The Wild Hunt

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