Contact 01

Contact #1 was published in 1975. The original issue contains 66 numbered pages, plus un-numbered artwork pages, totaling at least 72 pages. The copy in Bev Volker’s archives is sadly missing the original cover, title page and table of contents and begins with page 3. The page numbers on this copy are part of the photo-copy, but hand-drawn. Were they hand-drawn on the original? Or is this a copy of the original that’s been marked up? The fact that the printing is only on the front of the pages suggests the latter, but it’s hard to know, 37 years later. If anyone has an original copy of Contact #1, please comment!


The two links below point to:

  • A pdf file containing 70 pages of this archival copy, beginning with page 3, the Editors’ Page. Updated! This file now contains the cover, as well as Bev’s hand-written draft of the Table of Contents.
  • A .cbz file of the pages from Contact #1 which were re-issued in Contact Collected Volume 1 in 1985. Eventually, we’ll add the additional pages to this file. Updated! This file is now a CBZ of the original issue, including the hand-written TOC. We’ll post Contact Collected separately at a later date.


A .cbz file is a format developed for reading scanned comic books. It’s really just a zip file containing all the images in jpg format. With the extension .cbz, however, software like CDisplay (for Windows), SimpleComic (for your Mac), Bookman or Cloudreaders (for your iPad) allows you to read the issue on your computer or tablet. If clicking the .cbz link just fills your browser with garbage, try right-clicking on the link and doing Save As.

The original issue contains the following:

NOT OF THAT FEATHER  – Story by Beverly Volker and Nancy Kippax
IN A PIG’S EYE – Letter from McCoy to Spock by Beverly Volker
THE SILENT CONNECTION  – Story by Nancy Kippax and Beverly Volker
Writers’ Contest
AMOK TIME – Poetry by Beverly Volker
EULOGY – Story by Nancy Kippax
Star Trek Song Sheet – Includes “The Good Ship Enterprise,” “Our Guy Gene”
Star Trek Crossword
Star Trek Word Find
THE TRUTH – Poetry
DE PROFUNDIS – Story by Connie Faddis
Fun Fotos
COMMAND DECISION – Poetry by Beverly Volker
Phase II – Chapter One – The Invitation – Story by Beverly Volker and Nancy Kippax
Help! – A plea for a musician to transcribe recorded original Star Trek songs by the editors
Trivia Test
Answer Page (Alas, missing!)

Much of this material is absent from the 1985 re-release. Titles in all CAPS represent material which was reprinted.

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3 thoughts on “Contact 01

  1. Contact is amazing. A unique kind of Star Trek, and my first zine, and fan fiction, to be read at all. Although some of these touching stories aren’t perfect, delight comes from the feeling of love with which Contact was created. As for a member of young generation living far from America, these very old pages, great (especially in later issues) illustrations and the overall atmosphere of these zines look even more fascinating. There’s so much to say, I’m trying to be brief now. Old zines seem to be absent online and derelict unfortunately, so it’s luck to have Contact found on the Internet. The editors Bev Volker and Nancy Kippax are dead already, and their friend Steven H. Wilson published the zines here. Thank you sir, your work is very appreciated!

  2. Thank you for posting these original zines! I thought you’d like to know that the links for Contact issue #1 are dead. Can this issue be re-uploaded?

    • Thanks for letting me know, Sheri! I recently changed ISPs, and some of the links didn’t get updated. We’re good now.

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