Review – Tribute: Frank Capra

frank-capra-comic-bookI somehow missed this when it came out in time for Christmas, 2012. In fact, I’m not 100% sure how I stumbled across it last week. Other than their Logan’s Run adaptations a while back, I don’t read too many Bluewater comics, so I doubt it was a house ad. Alas, that’s the nature of the Internet, especially when you’re as ADD as I am. Searching for one thing can lead to something you didn’t expect, which sets you on a mission. In this case, surfing around for something unrelated brought up a stray reference to a Capra tribute done in comic book form, and I had to find out what that was about. So whatever I’d been searching for was forgotten, and I had to jump on ComiXology and buy this.

Frank Capra is one of my heroes. I have a list of four big personal heroes, and a list of, I guess, “others.” Mostly right now the distinction between “big” and “other” is that the “others” are still living, or that their principal body of work falls within my lifetime.

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I Live for Negative Feedback.

12387034831212914571adam_lowe_Three_Emotions_of_Cartoon_3.svg.medI live for negative feedback.

I do. That load of bull the counseling community wants to feed you, about how you need ten positive comments* to equal the impact of one negative comment? That’s just them selling something. They know no one’s going to get ten positive comments for every negative. Einstein proved that.

I think.

If he didn’t it’s because he lacked proper time management skills.

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You Are Not Allowed to Be Bored!

My Mother used to say this all the time. I don’t remember her saying it to me, but I remember her saying it to my kids and their cousins. Her theory has always been that there are too many interesting things to do in life, and one never, ever needs to be bored. If you are bored, you’re just not being observant enough of your opportunities.

Of course, when you’re a kid, being bored usually means that the entertainments you’re looking for aren’t readily available. For me it meant there was nothing good on television. (Back in the day, you couldn’t pop in a DVD, pull up NetFlix online or watch YouTube. You had to wait for the program to be broadcast. And if you missed it, you missed it.)

Now, I guess, a kid is bored when the WiFi is out.

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Never Fear, Failure is HERE!

fearfailureLast week, while walking on the boardwalk at Rehoboth Beach, I saw a shirt that gave me pause. It said, “Fear Failure.”

Fear Failure? Yep. Apparently it’s an Adidas campaign. It puzzled me about as much as did the word “Adidas” when it started appearing on peoples’ shirts. I thought it meant something. (It’s just a portmanteau of the company founder’s name, Adolf Dassler.)

Sorry, Adidas, but… Fear Failure? I consider that an asinine — and particularly American — sentiment, ironic that the shirt is marketed by a German company. Doubly ironic, because the young gentleman wearing the shirt was clearly Asian, and was speaking a non-English language to his friend as they passed. The shirt was bright green and yellow, as I recall, and I assumed from the font and design that it was geared toward athletes of some stripe — possibly even surfers. Though why surfers should fear failure I’ll never know. Continue reading

Science Fiction is “Just” Kid Stuff! (plus recommended reading)

(This is mostly just a few opening remarks on a subject nicely addressed on at The Figure in Question blog this week.)

Science Fiction and Fantasy, including the Super Hero genre, are for young people. No, I’m not saying that to be denigrating. I’m saying it because they are. They’re for people who keep their minds open, their hearts pure, their souls ever thirsting for something better, something that improves the human condition. They seek peace, justice, adventure, prosperity, triumph. You have to be young (at least at heart) to believe in those things. Old people, middle-aged people, adults (ick!)… their minds have set, atrophied, become rigid. Continue reading

What Do You People WANT From Me???!!!! (Or “What makes for good Blog-fodder?”)

No, that’s a serious question. I only made it a bit bombastic in the title because… well, you’ll figure that out in a second.

I am not a Magician. I’m not. When I do things, you can see the parts move. You can see the wires. I’m not out to make things look easier than they are, or make anyone think that there’s some kind of supernatural force guiding my hand as I perform superhuman feats that mere mortals may not attempt. Sure, some people wonder, “How do you do what you do?” I get asked that. But the fact is, I’ll be happy to tell you. I have no trade secrets. How I do what I do is by having a mind that works in an interesting fashion, by forcing myself to do the things I think are important, and by working hard.

That’s it. I have no trade secrets, no elusive, patented process.

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Fathers, Bullying and Borrowed Authority

ProfJohnRWhen I was growing up, John Robinson was my favorite fictional father. Like my Dad, he was a scientist. Unlike my Dad, he never shouted (except with enthusiasm, or, y’know, when he had to be heard over the wind from a cosmic storm.) He was religious, so he understood there was a difference between good and evil beyond what some book of rules said, but, unlike a fire-and-brimstone preacher, if you really screwed up, he patiently told you what you did wrong, and then moved pleasantly on to the next topic. This had to be the most compassionate man alive. After all, he let Zachary Smith live for at least three seasons!

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No New Blog This Week…

Actually, I drafted two blog entries for this week, but neither was finished in time. And sometimes I look at the list of stuff I have to do and realize that I won’t get it done, um, EVER. And I stress out and melt down. It’s not pretty. Fortunately, it doesn’t happen often. When it does, though, it leaves me looking at all the people around me whose lives probably suck way more than mine does, and wondering, “How are they so CALM?”

Yeah, I suck at handling stress. I’m much better at finding solutions to things that stress out OTHER people. So, yeah… you people over there… stop stressing and junk. I’ll come fix your problems when I’ve reshaped myself out of the puddle of glop that I’ve currently devolved into.

There, don’t you feel better? I know I do.

Talk to you next week.

eBook Discounts!

MutinyHey, it’s Balticon weekend and this sale is still on! Thanks to the many who’ve attended my panels and stopped by to chat thus far!

Thanks to all who attended our “Fantastic Quartet” presentation at the Howard County Library (as well as those who were there in spirit… deadbeats!) Howard Weinstein, Bob Greenberger, Dave Galanter and I were all pleased to see every seat filled, and additional chairs being added by the event organizers throughout the evening. We were proud to kick off HCL’s “Meet the Author” series. We’ve already been asked to return next year!

As an offering of thanks, I’m offering some discounts on my eBooks. Mutiny Springs Eternal is even free, and it’s a great place to jump on board my award-winning Arbiter Chronicles series. Just click the links below and enter the corresponding coupon code to purchase the eBook from Smashwords. They’re available in every eReader format, including Kindle, Nook and iBooks. Let me know if you have any problems!

FREE! The Arbiter Logs – Mutiny Springs Eternal – Coupon Code: ZH77W
99 Cents!
Peace Lord of the Red Planet – Coupon Code: TC75G
99 Cents! Taken Liberty – Coupon Code: WC32M
99 Cents! Unfriendly Persuasion – Coupon Code:  SS94B

My Balticon Panels

So, many people ask me, “What do you do when you go to a convention? Do you dress up in costume?”

“No,” I tell them, “I generally speak on panels.”

“What are panels?”

Sigh… So, yeah, I do a lot of panels. For the uninitiated, a “panel” is a “panel discussion,” where a team of “experts” tackled a question or problem which is described in the title of the panel. Sometimes “experts” just means a team of volunteers or draftees, but it usually means a team of people who at least have an interest in the subject. Below are some examples, which also happen to be the panels I’ll be appearing on at Balticon in just two short weeks.

I’ve left off times and locations, as my schedule is only a draft, and I don’t want to add to anyone’s confusion!

Favorite Science Fiction Authors  – Naming them is easy. Defending WHY they’re your favorite almost as much. Responding to those who HATE your favorite? Therein may lie a challenge. Robert Heinlein pissed off a lot of people in his time. L. Neil Smith (bless him) continues to do so. But I’ve even met people who actively dislike Alan Dean Foster. Go figure.

Flipping SF Archetypes – I’m not sure, but I’m looking forward to finding out.

Aged Characters in Fantasy – I don’t even recall signing up, but okay. I can talk about Dumbledore, Merlin, and perhaps (because I don’t read much fantasy) even Lazarus Long.

Forgotten Works in Sci-Fi / Forgotten Works in Fantasy – Hmmm. I guess I’ll talk about Eric Frank Russell? Or John Morrissey? Perhaps Gordon Eklund.

Shortening Your Books and Stories – Somebody’s gonna say “Murder your darlings.” Writers love that phrase. I never murder my darlings. I just remember that narration doesn’t need to be as complex as I’m tempted to make it, and that written dialogue only has to SOUND like real speech, it doesn’t actually have to be as baffling and confusing.

Bars in Science Fiction and Fantasy – Well, I’m not Spider Robinson, but I’ve written a half-dozen scenes set in bars. Bars are time-honored in the genre. All the best stories are told in them, and they’re where you go to get the lay of the land in a strange place. Did you know that the origin of the term “gossip” is actually, “go sip?” It meant to go have a drink at the pub or tavern and hear what was being said by the locals. It was a reliable as CNN and probably less annoying.

Converting your eBook for multiple formats – Some panels are less discussion and Q & A with the audience, and more, “This is how I carry out a task.” But seriously, there’s a LOT more to creating an eBook than dumping your Word doc into Kindle’s upload form.

Etiquette in Science Fiction and Fantasy – Very important to a lot of authors. Asimov’s robot novels were very concerned with etiquette. Lots of Star Trek episodes, too. Remember when Wesley Crusher trampled the flowers and almost died? Yeah, he got that reaction a lot, in the days before the Big Bang Theory.

Good and Evil in Genre Literature – or the lack thereof? Actually, SF & F spend a lot more time discussing the nature of these two than most other forms of literature.

Your Novel: Getting to Second Draft – Perseverance. Any questions? Oh, there are? Okay…

Firebringer Presents – Firebringer, if you don’t know, is my publishing company. Here’s our chance to tell our audience what we’ve got coming next. Come early, it’s usually standing room only.

And I’ll probably have an autograph session and a scheduled reading of my work as well. Busy weekend. Costumes? If I took the time to get into costume, I might not have any time at the bar!