February 21, 2019
Dear Daddy–
It snowed yesterday, and pretty much everything shut down. I
suppose, if you could plan a snowstorm, this one would count as being pretty
well-planned. It started before rush hour, on a day just cold enough to keep
the snow from melting. Roads had been salted, but snow accumulation out-paced
the chemically induced melting, and my street, which is normally kept plowed
clear throughout a storm, was snow-covered for most of the day. Because of the
timing–we were expecting the snow as early as 1:00 in the morning–schools and
offices had already decided to close the night before. And now, the day after,
the roads are clear, and, at 36 degrees with an expected high of 51, the snow
is melting.
I realize that having to close costs businesses money.
Full-time employees still have to be paid, and no revenue is coming in. Howard
County must lay out about 1.5 Million for those eight lost hours, but having
the decision made and having it all over with in a day seems pretty low impact.
Even the trash was picked up on time.
Of course, some people still have to go to work. The staff
at Mother’s nursing care facility all came to work. All of my colleagues in the
Fire service came to work. The Emergency Operations Center was activated for
the County, and everyone who supported it was working. Also of course, having
every location connected to the Internet, as we certainly do in Central
Maryland, means you can go to work without going to work. I wound up working
five hours yesterday. Were you able to work from home? I don’t recall you ever
doing it while I was growing up. You had an office, and all manner of papers
and equipment around, but I don’t recall you working.
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