Podcast Interview on DoddleTalks TECH – Fans and Copyright

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I sat down with James DeRuvo this week to talk about copyright issues, the Axanar lawsuit, and the general world of fan-produced works. James’s intro to the show:

“If you raise over $1.2 million through crowdfunding to create a professional-grade film for the Internet, you’re going to grab headlines. But, if you do it to make a fan film based on someone else’s copyright and trademark, you’re going to get sued. That’s the subject of this episode of doddleTALKS TECH. Join me and sci-fi author and podcaster Steven Wilson as we discuss the Star Trek: Axanar copyright debate.”

Listen here.

Get a FREE Audible Edition of Peace Lord – while supplies last!

Peace Lord of the Red Planet cover by Bob KeckA copy of Peace Lord of the Red Planet, unabridged and read by the author, is yours for the asking–if you ask before everyone else does! I have download codes available for a free copy of the new Audible audio book. No need to use your hard-earned credits! Of course, to use one of these, you will have to join Audible or already be a member. If you want a free download code, just let me know–via email, via reply to this blog, via Facebook message–get me an email address and I’ll send you your code.

But remember, when they’re gone, they’re gone!

Peace Lord is now on Audible!

Peace Lord of the Red Planet cover by Bob KeckPeace Lord of the Red Planet, my 2010 novel of mythology, pacifism and cultural mores is now available on Audible.com. If you’re not an Audible member, they offer your first book free. AND, if that first book is Peace Lord, I get a $50 royalty bonus for bringing in a new member. You just have to stay a member for at least six days. And, if you can afford to, I’d recommend staying a member. You get one new audiobook every month with your membership.

Even at His Worst He’s Still the Best – Robert A. Heinlein’s I Will Fear No Evil

Robert A. Heinlein's I WILL FEAR NO EVIL late 1970s Paperback CoverI Will Fear No Evil was Robert A. Heinlein ‘s 26th novel, published in 1970. At this point, the Grandmaster was 62 years old that year, and had four Hugo Awards for best novel to his credit. IWFNE is widely regarded by science fiction fans (and there are no higher authorities on everything) as the worst thing he ever published.

I love this book. I’ve read it a half dozen times since high school (as I’ve read all of RAH’s later novels repeatedly) and will probably read it a half dozen more if I live long enough.

But, before I tell you why I love it, let me heap a little more evidence on the other side of the scales, because I love a challenge. Heinlein was a pantser, not a plotter. That is to say, he wrote by the seat of his pants, without an outline. He also did not like to rewrite–although he did substantial re-writing on his most problematic and best-known work, Stranger in a Strange Land. He preferred to write and write and write, and then cut out the chaff.

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Do Star Trek Fans Just Not Understand Copyright?

Clarification: There’s been a misunderstanding to the effect that I felt Star Trek: Axanar had derived their story from my work. That is not the case. The fan film referenced below, in which some fans have noticed similarities to my novel, is not Axanar.

Intellectual Property–copyright–is the topic at hand right now in Star Trek circles. The high profile Axanar team has been hit with a lawsuit for violating CBS’s copyright in making an independent Star Trek film. Meanwhile, on one of the Trek-related bulletin boards, some fans have noticed similarities between a fan film and my 2006 novel Taken Liberty. I blogged about those similarities last year, saying I saw several points of plot overlap between the film and my book. Several of those commenting on the topic had read my blog. Apparently, not many had read my book.

The discussions on both topics have shown that a startling amount of ignorance and irrational thinking pervades modern Star Trek fandom, and that many fans have no concept of the law, much less of right and wrong.

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What Drives Kylo Ren? The Psychology of a Poor Little Fascist Boy

“You,” she heard herself saying clearly, “you’re afraid. That you’ll never be as strong as–Darth Vader!” –from Star Wars: The Force Awakens by Alan Dean Foster

Spoilers. See the movie first. Blah, blah, blah.

Think about it—a kid raised to privilege. He’s the son of a princess who’s also a senator and a general. She may be on the run from enemies sometimes, but this is a lady who has access to entire planets to spread out and live on, and who commands a large, imposing fleet of space fighters. He’s also the heir to two generations of Jedi Knights, elite warrior monks who have control over the Force which binds the universe together.

Kylo Ren from The Force Awakens Continue reading

Ultraman Manga Action Figure – Guest Review on The Figure in Question

Ultraman Manga Action Figure of SH Figuarts

Photo by The Figure in Question – thefigureinquestion.wordpress.com

So I was happy to get an Ultraman Manga figure for Christmas. As a companion piece to my review of the trade, I wrote a guest-review of the figure on my son’s action figure blog, The Figure in Question.

Lessons Learned: Self Publishing – Part Two

Originally Published March 12th, 2012

Last week, I discussed my experiences with production and distribution as a self publisher / small press.  Obviously (or maybe it isn’t obvious!) the job isn’t done when the book is created and made available for sale.  There’s a lot that has to happen to let potential readers and listeners know that your book exists.  Also, since I focused so heavily on distribution last time, I neglected to mention some things about the pre-distribution steps involved in actually creating the book itself, its cover, its contents and its overall presentation.  (You’re right — I’m not going in order! I warned you that this would not be a formal presentation!)

So… Marketing.  You’ve written and produced a book.  It’s available for sale.  Now what?  The big publishers in New York spend more than you make in a year on promotion for a single title.  (I understand from those who’ve been there that they spend it wastefully, but they spend it.)  That’s not an option.  They buy ads in print media, they send reps to book fairs and to meet with buyers for large chain bookstores.  You might get into book fairs.  I haven’t tried.  But I doubt you’ll get a meeting with the buyer for Barnes and Noble, and you won’t get on the shelves at the local B & N (or at any other chain store) without going through corporate.  You can get your book on the “shelves” at Amazon, but so can everyone else.  Amazon is probably not going to meet with you about giving your book special treatment.  (I say “probably” because I never know what seemingly impossible thing Amazon is going to do next!)

In short, Lesson 2A – You can’t market the way the big boys do, nor should anyone necessarily want to.  Meeting with one or two people who are going to tell your readers what they like is something that just goes against the grain of the modern DIY publishers, myself included.  The idea of the buyer or industry executive who dictates the public’s reading tastes, and knows before it’s even published what the next “big thing” will be, smacks of manipulation.  It goes hand in hand with the argument that the publishing industry needs “gatekeepers” to protect the poor, stupid reader from being threatened with exposure to a bad book.  Never, ever use the gatekeeper argument in a discussion with me.  I’ll froth, my eyes will roll up into my head, and I may start speaking in tongues.  Worse, I may start quoting from some of the atrocities committed by our faithful industry gatekeepers.  I shan’t offend anyone by mentioning names, but I’m sure each of you can name a New York Times bestseller which never should have been smothered in its literary cradle for the good of humankind.  I can think of a dozen.  And they’re all in the same series.  Gatekeeping only assures us that all the books published will suit the personal tastes of a half-dozen people.  It’s got nothing to do with literary merit of quality.

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Lessons Learned: Self Publishing – Part One

Originally Published March 5th, 2012

Taking a break from reviewing, I thought maybe I could (or should?) share some information that’s in my head. It may be of benefit to some. It may be stone useless. As always, the reader decides what’s useful. (I hope eternally, at any rate. Please don’t let anyone tell you what information is useful to you! If they try to do so, at the very least be skeptical.)

See, I’ve been doing a lot of panels lately, at Farpoint and Mysticon. Some of them were just entertaining at best, some imparted useful information, and at a few it was clear that the audience came wanting to learn something, came with questions they needed answered. Since con panels tend to be, more than anything else, a collection of people with very healthy egos, talking about themselves (I am no exception as a panelist), sometimes those questions don’t get answered. That fact, to paraphrase the great Ricardo Montalban, tasks me.

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Review – Ultraman (the Manga)

9781421581828_p0_v2_s192x300I don’t read a lot of Manga. I’ve read a half-dozen of them in my life. I have nothing against the genre, it just doesn’t often grab me. Even when a sort of hybrid Manga is produced, which stars characters I know from other media, the product usually doesn’t reach out and grab me.

According to Wikipedia, by the way, “Manga” simply refers to comics created in Japan; so the word “Manga” then wouldn’t necessarily refer to a body of work whose members all share the same characteristics, any more than American comic books all share the same characteristics. It would seem a bit silly to say that Neil Gaiman’s Sandman and My Little Pony are the same genre. But the Wikipedia article does specify that Manga works do conform to a particular style developed in late 19-th Century Japan, so I guess I’m not insane for thinking of them as a distinct genre.

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