Captain’s Log, Stardate: 8150.1
Commander Uhura is effecting repairs on our sabotaged comm system with all the speed her department can muster.
I am still puzzled by the behavior of Admiral Morrow during my last transmission, and thus I have not advised Starfleet of our situation with Lieutenants Saavik and Metcalfe. If our comm system is not repaired in time for me to reach Excelsior and head off my two missing officers, I may find myself with no other choice than to disobey the Admiral’s order that I avoid the Time Planet. Should this become necessary, I take full responsibility for the actions of this ship and its crew and for the consequences thereof.
“Is it ready?” Kirk asked as Uhura approached his chair.
She nodded. “Assuming there aren’t any more surprises waiting for us inside the system somewhere.”