And we’re back! With Chapter One of a new Arbiters novel!

Unfriendly Persuasion, the novel set just after the second series of Arbiter Chronicles episodes, was released March 8 in paperback and eBook.  It’s available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or any online book retailer. It picks up just after the events of “Contents Under Pressure.”  The story stands on its own, but check our Arbiter Chronicles page for links if you’d like to listen to that show again before starting the novel.

Unfriendly Persuasion, read by the author will run by-weekly for the foreseeable future. Six new full-cast episodes of SuperHuman Times are being recorded now, as is Lance Woods’s reading of the SuperHuman Times novel Heroic Park, due out in August.

Please let us know what you think as you listen to or read Unfriendly Persuasion. Also, if you missed it, you might want to go back and grab our March 18th release of the Farpoint 2012 opening ceremonies, which includes a new episode of our sitcom, Waste of Space, guest starring Battlestar Galactica’s Kate Vernon and True Blood’s Kristen Bauer.

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