Rifling through old papers from college, I found several dozen illustrations I’d done for fanzines back in the day. This unfinished piece was intended for my story “Mandy,” but I ran out of time. The circa-1987 Jane Wyatt and De Kelley in the center were to be flanked by circa-1966 De at the top left and circa-1937 Jane at the bottom. (You can see just a little of where I’d sketched an oval to place her face.) I think I couldn’t find a decent publicity shot of her from Lost Horizon in those pre-Internet days, although I know one of my sketchbooks does contain a thumbnail of Jane at a young age. 47 year-old Steve is not the artist 21 year-old Steve was. My attempts to draw now usually end in frustration and anger at my failing eyes. I’d be afraid to try and finish it. But, since I’ve got the story on my site, I thought I should post the illo that might have been.
An Unfinished Piece of Artwork
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